± ➜ ruby book_indexer.rb

├── Microservices
|   ├── distributed-services-with-go-your-guide-to-reliable-scalable-and-maintainable-systems.pdf
|   ├── microservices-from-day-one.pdf
|   └── advanced-microservices.pdf
├── biography
|   └── Doglapan-Book.pdf
├── docker
|   └── the-docker-book.pdf
├── data-structure
|   ├── Grokking Algorithms - An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people.pdf
|   └── Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ ( PDFDrive ).pdf
├── GoLang
|   ├── writing an INTERPRETER in go.pdf
|   ├── The.Go.Programming.Language.pdf
|   ├── Apress_Pro_Go_The_Complete_Guide_to_Programming_Reliable_and_Efficient.pdf
|   ├── learning-go-an-idiomatic-approach-to-real-world-go-programming-1492077216-9781492077213.epub
|   ├── .DS_Store
|   ├── TheLittleGoBook.pdf
|   ├── GoodGoBooks.md
|   ├── LetsGo
|   └── learning-go-an-idiomatic-approach-to-real-world-go-programming-1492077216-9781492077213.pdf
├── general
|   └── AnIntroductiontotheStudyofOrganicChemistryByPaulaYurkanisBruice-1.pdf
├── dev-ops
|   ├── getting-started-kubernetes-2nd.pdf
|   ├── Continuous Delivery - Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test And Deployment Automation.pdf
|   └── Ansible for DevOps ( PDFDrive.com ).pdf
├── ruby-rails
|   ├── modern-front-end-development-for-rails-second-edition_P1.0.mobi
|   ├── effective-testing-with-rspec-3_p1_0.pdf
|   ├── agile-web-development-with-rails-7_P1.0.pdf
|   ├── 99bottles_beer_js.pdf
|   ├── Advanced Rails, O'Reilly (2007).pdf
|   ├── Design Patterns in Ruby ( PDFDrive ).pdf
|   ├── 99bottles_milk_js.pdf
|   ├── 99bottles_beer_js.mobi
|   ├── 99bottles_beer_ruby.pdf
|   ├── agile-web-development-with-rails-7_P1.0.mobi
|   ├── docker-for-rails-developers-build-ship-and-run-your-applications-everywhere.pdf
|   ├── modern-front-end-development-for-rails-second-edition_P1.0.pdf
|   ├── 2020_Ruby_on_Rails_Tutorial_Addison-Wesley_Professional.pdf
|   ├── sustainable-web-development-with-ruby-on-rails-practical-tips-for-building-web-applications-that-last.pdf
|   ├── agile-web-development-with-rails-7_P1.0.epub
|   ├── modern-front-end-development-for-rails-second-edition_P1.0.epub
|   ├── Design Patterns in Ruby (2007).pdf
|   └── Metaprogramming Ruby, 2nd Edition.pdf
├── Linux - OS
|   └── Linux Bible.pdf
├── ElasticSerach
|   └── elasticsearch.pdf
├── interview-prep
|   ├── .DS_Store
|   └── Cracking the Coding Interview 189 Programming Questions and Solutions.pdf
├── kafka
|   └── Kafka_Definitive_Guide_Complete.pdf
├── cpp
|   ├── Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days 5th Edition.pdf
|   ├── 2013 Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language 4th Edition.pdf
|   └── C++.Primer.5th.Edition_2013.pdf
├── scalability
|   ├── .DS_Store
|   └── Designing Data Intensive Applications.pdf
├── System-Design
|   ├── domain-driven-design-distilled.pdf
|   ├── .DS_Store
|   └── domain-driven_design_-_tackling_complexity_in_the_heart_of_software.pdf
├── best-practices-programming
|   ├── The Pragmatic Programmer.pdf
|   ├── Code Complete.pdf
|   ├── code-complete-2nd-edition-v413hav.pdf
|   ├── Clean Code.pdf
|   └── Clean+Architecture+A+Craftsman%27s+Guide+to+Software+Structure+and+Design.pdf
├── EthicalHacking
|   └── The Ultimate Kali Linux Book.pdf
├── CI-CD
|   ├── Continuous Delivery - Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test And Deployment Automation.pdf
|   ├── jenkins-the-definitive-guide.pdf
|   ├── pro-continuous-delivery-jenkins-2.pdf
|   └── Continuous Delivery.pdf
├── self-help
|   ├── The Compound Effect - Darren hardy ( PDFDrive ).pdf
|   ├── DeepWork.pdf
|   └── the-millionaire-fastlane.pdf
    └── The official cambridge guide to ielts- 1st book.pdf