GoLang Notes

Go standard library (selected) interfaces

Go packages

  1. https://pkg.go.dev
  2. https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Projects

Struct initialisation

var product = new(Product) OR var product = Product{}


field promotion - If the enclosing type has a field same as a field of embedded type’s field, then the direct access to the attribute will render enclosing type’s field value. Fields and Methods can be promoted to the enclosing type from embedded type

type Boat struct {
        Capacity  int
        Motorized bool

type Product struct {
        Name, Category string
        price          float64

func (p *Product)Price(tax) float64{
	return p.price + p.price*tax

Name can be accessed by either boat.Product.Name and boat.Name boat.Price(0.2) or boat.Product.Price(0.2) - Both are equivalent.

type Product struct {
	Name, Category string
	Price float64

type ProductGroup []*Product

func (group ProductGroup) CalcTotal() float64{

A receiver function can only be defined on type, so a receiver function here can’t be defined on []*Product, thus we need to create alias type - ProductGroup so that it can have a receiver method.


Since GoLang doesn’t support inheritance, it provides interface to provide similar functionality.

Adapter to execute a synchornous function asynchronously

calcTax := func(price float64) float64 {
	return price*0.2

resultChannel := make(chan float64)
go func(price float64, c chan float64) {
	c <- calcTax(price)
}(275, resultChannel) // Price and channel passed as arguments

The for loop and range on chan ranges over just channel, it doesn’t return index

   // Range over channel just returns the message on channel
   testProductChannel := make(chan *Product, 5)
	go nonBlockingSendEnumerateProducts(chan<- *Product(testProductChannel))
	for p := range testProductChannel {
		fmt.Println("Received", p.Name)
	// Range over slice has index and object from slice
	slice := []string{"Chandan", "Alok", "Ruby", "Darsh", "Tithi", "Sheenu"}
	for i, str := range slice {
		fmt.Println(i, str)

NOTE: goroutine functions usually doesn’t have return value, instead it sends the message via channel


When defining a slice on a struct, the elements can be direct definition of struct as below:

// You can edit this code!
// Click here and start typing.
package main

import "fmt"

type Product struct {
	Name string

var pSlice = []*Product{

var vSlice = []Product{

func main() {
	for _, p := range pSlice {
	for _, p := range vSlice {

Error interface

Go provides a predefined interface named error that provides one way to create own error types(structs)

  type error interface {

This inteface requires errors to define a method named Error, which returns a string Example:

  type CategoryError struct {
    requestedCategory string

  func(category *CategoryError) Error() string {
    return "ERROR: " + category + "is invalid"

// NOTE: As CategoryError is a struct implementing Error interface
// Thus &CategoryError{requestedCategory: category} will print the error message
// i.e. returned string of Error() function
func main() {
  // This is equivalent to fmt.Println(string)
  // where string is returned value of Error() function above
  fmt.Println(&CategoryError{requestedCategory: category})


// =============== ANOTHER example
package errors_test

import (

// MyError is an error implementation that includes a time and message.
type MyError struct {
  When time.Time
  What string

func (e MyError) Error() string {
  return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v", e.When, e.What)

func oops() error {
  return MyError{
  time.Date(1989, 3, 15, 22, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC),
  "the file system has gone away",

func Example() {
  if err := oops(); err != nil {
// Output: 1989-03-15 22:30:00 +0000 UTC: the file system has gone away

%v specifierType of object:

  1. Use %T to get the Go type of a value - As we get the class of objects in other OOP languages
  2. Use %#v format that could be used to re-create the value in Go code file
  3. Use %v default format of the value
  4. Use %+v includes the field name
pattern, compileErr := regexp.Compile("[A-z]oat")
	question := "Is that a goat?"

	if compileErr == nil {
		fmt.Printf("Type: %T\n", pattern)
		fmt.Printf("Go code: %#v\n", pattern)
		fmt.Printf("Recreate: %+v\n", pattern)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Error: ", compileErr)
	// Output
	Type: *regexp.Regexp
    Go code: &regexp.Regexp{expr:"[A-z]oat", prog:(*syntax.Prog)(0x14000072240), onepass:(*regexp.onePassProg)(nil), numSubexp:0, maxBitStateLen:43690, subexpNames:[]string{""}, prefix:"", prefixBytes:[]uint8(nil), prefixRune:0, prefixEnd:0x0, mpool:0, matchcap:2, prefixComplete:false, cond:0x0, minInputLen:4, longest:false}
    Recreate: [A-z]oat

Format string for a struct

User Stringer interface from fmt package

type Stringer interface {
	String() string

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